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File Created: 04-Nov-1986 by Larry Jones (LDJ)
Last Edit:  13-Jul-2021 by Del Ferguson (DF)

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Name BILL, MOUNTAIN GOAT, ZYM Mining Division Omineca, Skeena
BCGS Map 103I050
Status Showing NTS Map 103I08E
Latitude 054º 25' 39'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 128º 08' 36'' Northing 6031425
Easting 555577
Commodities Copper, Silver, Gold Deposit Types D03 : Volcanic redbed Cu
L01 : Subvolcanic Cu-Ag-Au (As-Sb)
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Bill showing is located around 18 kilometre on Trapper Road on Trapline Mountain, south of Zymoetz River, 31.5 kilometres east-southeast of Terrace, B.C.

The area is underlain by felsic to basic tuffs, breccias, flows and fragmental volcanic rocks of the Jurassic age Hazelton Group. The strata trends generally north-south and dips moderately to the east. Several fault related, felsic to basic dykes cut the volcanics. Isolated mineral occurrences occur over an area of about 1 kilometre east, north and south of the Bill showing.

Mineralization, consisting of pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, native copper, and malachite, occurs as disseminations and in quartz- carbonate veins, related to major north-south, steeply east dipping structural trends. The quartz-carbonate veins are accompanied by intense epidote and carbonate alteration of the wallrock. Isolated showings occur over an area of about 1 kilometre. A 0.3 metre chip sample of a pod of native copper in a quartz-carbonate vein assayed 1.24 per cent copper and 1.7 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 12728). A fault related breccia zone, 650 metres to the east, assayed 0.04 per cent copper and 0.5 grams per tonne silver over 5 metres and a 2.0 metre sample, 440 metres to the southeast assayed 0.28 per cent copper and 2.6 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 12728). A sample 700 metres to the northwest assayed 1.06 per cent copper (Assessment Report 10541) and trenching on the south side of a creek, 200 metres to the south, revealed zones of mineralization, earlier known as the Mountain Goat Showing. A 1.5 metre sample assayed 0.35 per cent copper, 17.1 grams per tonne silver and 2.4 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 2394).

In 2019, prospecting and geochemical work conducted on the Kelly Creek Property for R. Billingsley included sampling of four rocks from the Bill showing with limited anomalous results (Assessment Report 38949).

EMPR ASS RPT 2394, *10541, *12728, 15859, 35194, *38949
EMPR EXPL 1984-375; 1987-C358
EMPR GEM 1970-189-193
EMPR MAP 8; 69-1
EMPR OF 2007-4
EMPR P 2007-1 pp.149-162; 2008-1 pp. 159-174; 2009-1 pp. 7-20
GEOS BC RPT 2008-11, 2010-12
GSC MAP 11-1956; 278A; 1136A; 1385A